Friday, June 3, 2011



Rumex is primarily a cough remedy though the key note symptom has aggravation from uncovering or undressing has led to prescription and digestive complains as well.

Synonym: Curly Dock, Yellow Dock, Sour Dock, Narrow Dock

Source: Rumex is common British weed. It belongs to the natural order of polygonacae.
Preparation: Mother tincture is prepared from fresh roots.

Proved by: Dr. H.A. Hougton, student of Hahnemann medical college,Philadelphia, in 1852; Dr.B.F. Joslin in 1852

Habitat: Fields, roadsides, railroads, waste ground, disturbed sites.


* Extremely sensitive to cold air and even to open air.
* Catarrhal headache with great irritation of the larynx and trachea, clavicular pain and soreness behind sternum.
* Influenza with violent catarrh, followed by bronchitis.
* Sensation of a lump in the throat, not relieved by hawking or swallowing, it descends on deglutition, but immediately returns"; this is also a strong feature in Lachesis.


It suits to both acute and chronic catarrhal states.

* Nose obstructed; dry sensation even in posterior nares.
* Often coryza starts owith a marked dryness in the posterior nares.
* Violent sneezing, with fluent coryza is a frequent occurrence.
* Copious mucous discharge from nose and trachea.
* Epistaxis, violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils.


o Aggravation: In the evening, at night and from cold air.
o Amelioration: By warmth and covering.


* Causation: Exposure to cold air.

* Location: lower lobe of left lung is generally affected.

* Sensation:
o Rawness of larynx and trachea. Soreness behind sternum, especially left side, in region of left shoulder. Raw pain under clavicle.
o Tickling sensation in throat pit with rawness.
o Sensation of lump in throat descends on swallowing but returns immediately.

* Character of cough:
o Violent dry incessant fatiguing cough.
o Hoarse barking cough with tickling sensation. Hoarse, barking cough, in attacks, every night at 11 P.M. and at 2 and 5 A.M. (children).
o Dry, teasing cough, preventing sleep.
o Touching the throat-pit brings on the cough.
o Cough with pain behind the sternum.
o Involuntary urine with cough, involuntary stool with cough. In women, every fit of coughing produces the passage of a few drops of urine.
o The most violent cough occurs a few moments after lying down and at night, in some cases, complete aphonia.
o Tenacious mucus in throat or larynx, constant desire to hawk.

* Character of sputa:
o Usually there is no expectoration but sometimes in the first stage there is thin watery, frothy expectoration; later it becomes yellowish thick, tough and tenacious; stringy, so ropy

* Modalities:


+ The patient is extremely sensitive to open air even changing air or room brings s on cough.
+ Slightest inhalation of cold air.
+ Worse especially in the morning on walking or at 11pm.
+ Worse touch or pressure on the throat or larynx
+ After lying down especially on left side.

o From warmth, keeping the mouth cover to exclude cold air, covering the body warmly.


The stomach will not digest food, or only the, simplest food; the mucous membrane of the stomach is affected by this remedy like other mucous membranes.

* Fullness in the stomach which rises to throat and triggers coughing.
* Cannot tolerate meat; it causes eructation, pruritus.
* Jaundice after excessive use of alcoholics.
* Chronic gastritis; aching pain in pit of stomach and shooting in the chest; extends towards the throat-pit,
* Worse any motion or talking. Pain in left breast after meals; flatulence.
* Aching pain in the pit of stomach gradually becoming very severe; sharp stitching pains in stomach extending into chest, and below a sensation of pressure like a lump in pit of stomach, sometimes rising up under sternum, greatly aggravated from motion and somewhat from taking a long breath; generally aggravated after eating, ameliorated by lying perfectly quiet.
* The stomach feels sore, aggravated by talking, walking, inhaling cold air; wants warm things. Very flatulent; full of flatulent pains; pains relieved (Carbo veg.) by belching and passing flatus. Stomach and abdominal pains aggravated by talking, irregular, breathing; must sit in a chair and breathe with perfect regularity. Irregular breathing will cause cough or suffocation.


* Diarrhoea early in morning from 5to 10am.
* Driving him out of bed early in the morning.
* Serious attack of diarrhea in an old man of seventy, after failure of Sulphur.
* Before Stool there is sudden urging pain in abdomen.
* In the morning hurried to stool like Sulphur.
* Stools, painless, offensive, profuse; brown or black, thin or watery; preceded by pain in abdomen; before stool sudden urging, driving him out of bed in morning."
* Brown, watery diarrhoea, chiefly in morning, having stools from 5 to 9 A.M.
* Modalities: aggravation from motion and in the morning.


* Intense itching of skin; itching of various parts especially lower extremities. Urticaria; contagious prurigo.
* Modalities:Aggravation from cold, when undressing, uncovering or exposure to cold air. Amelioration: By covering the parts.

General modalities

Aggravation: In evening, from inhaling cold air; left chest; uncovering.
Amelioration: By covering the parts

Relationship—Antidote by Bell,Camph
Dose.--Third to sixth potency

K.N. Mathur
S.K. Dubey
Roger Morison
H.C. Allen

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